Sunday, April 06, 2008

candace parker

can rock some bball outside of the school.

today is sunday. it was a good day. i did things like laundry and dishes, but they had not been done in a good while, so that made it a good day.

last night, catherine and i went to this really fun art gallery crawl thing. this happens the first saturday of every month, and several art galleries downtown put their new displays out for people to come out and see. you can travel by shuttle from gallery to gallery, and every once in a while you can get a glass of wine. there was one artist i really liked...richard hogan. yall should check him out. one day when i am a millionaire i will buy his paintings to display 'round the ole mansion.

we watched sweeney todd yesterday. it was AWESOME! johnny depp amazes me! especially because charlie and the chocolate factory is on right now, and to think about the degrees of intensity and distinction in his characters is mind-boggling. everyone that works with him has the utmost respect for him, to the point that he landed the role of benjamin barker/sweeney todd without anyone ever having heard him sing. noone heard him until they started filming - he just said he could do it, and everyone knew that if he said he could swing it, then he could. love it!! i would like to say i have a bigtime crush on him, but he's a little too intense to crush on. he is, however, totally hot.

after the art gallery crawl thing, jason and i played a benefit show for the leukemia and lymphoma society of nashville. it was fun. we bid on some things at the silent auction and won! glad to know that the dollars are going to a great cause. do we not live in such a giving time? it seems like there are so many ways to be philanthropic these days. not that it's ever enough, but i feel like our generation is so loving and generous as a whole. everyone i know has been moved by some kind of cause. it's encouraging. maybe we really CAN make the world a better place. huh.

the moon is waning, as are my eyelids. may the force be with you.