Friday, May 30, 2008

Common as a winter cold....

Hello beautiful people!!!

The raindrops are falling, the flowers are blooming (except in my yard), and there are bulbous bees buzzing to the right and left of the front porch, creating an obstacle course from the mailbox to the front door...which can only mean.....SPRING - and almost summer, no less!

Is it just me, or does Spring make you crave amazing music? In the winter, I tend to listen to the ole favs....maybe it's the nostalgia of the holidays trickling over, but in Spring, I want something new. This year, I am listening to some GREAT records - not brand new to the world, but brand new to me.

1) Laura Veirs - Carbon Glacier - I bought this to get amped up for her show a few weeks ago at the Basement, and man, was it worth it. I had worn Year of Meteors thin with relentless adoration, and I have to say that Carbon Glacier topped it with a cherry. Just barely, but I had to say it.

2) Neko Case - Fox Confessor Brings the Flood - awwww yeah. There is nothing like a soulful alt-country artist to usher in summer in the south. I had just grown potentially weary of the incessant repeats of Kathleen Edwards' entire catalogue, and this was just the replacement I was looking for. I look forward to celebrating NEKO'S entire catalogue next.

Anywhoo - enough about me - what are YOU listening to? I am hoping that on Monday nights in June, you will be listening to ME and my FABULOUS FRIENDS! Get it?! They are friends, and they are fabulous!

The first night, this coming Monday, June 2 will feature: