Friday, May 30, 2008

Common as a winter cold....

Hello beautiful people!!!

The raindrops are falling, the flowers are blooming (except in my yard), and there are bulbous bees buzzing to the right and left of the front porch, creating an obstacle course from the mailbox to the front door...which can only mean.....SPRING - and almost summer, no less!

Is it just me, or does Spring make you crave amazing music? In the winter, I tend to listen to the ole favs....maybe it's the nostalgia of the holidays trickling over, but in Spring, I want something new. This year, I am listening to some GREAT records - not brand new to the world, but brand new to me.

1) Laura Veirs - Carbon Glacier - I bought this to get amped up for her show a few weeks ago at the Basement, and man, was it worth it. I had worn Year of Meteors thin with relentless adoration, and I have to say that Carbon Glacier topped it with a cherry. Just barely, but I had to say it.

2) Neko Case - Fox Confessor Brings the Flood - awwww yeah. There is nothing like a soulful alt-country artist to usher in summer in the south. I had just grown potentially weary of the incessant repeats of Kathleen Edwards' entire catalogue, and this was just the replacement I was looking for. I look forward to celebrating NEKO'S entire catalogue next.

Anywhoo - enough about me - what are YOU listening to? I am hoping that on Monday nights in June, you will be listening to ME and my FABULOUS FRIENDS! Get it?! They are friends, and they are fabulous!

The first night, this coming Monday, June 2 will feature:

Sunday, April 06, 2008

candace parker

can rock some bball outside of the school.

today is sunday. it was a good day. i did things like laundry and dishes, but they had not been done in a good while, so that made it a good day.

last night, catherine and i went to this really fun art gallery crawl thing. this happens the first saturday of every month, and several art galleries downtown put their new displays out for people to come out and see. you can travel by shuttle from gallery to gallery, and every once in a while you can get a glass of wine. there was one artist i really liked...richard hogan. yall should check him out. one day when i am a millionaire i will buy his paintings to display 'round the ole mansion.

we watched sweeney todd yesterday. it was AWESOME! johnny depp amazes me! especially because charlie and the chocolate factory is on right now, and to think about the degrees of intensity and distinction in his characters is mind-boggling. everyone that works with him has the utmost respect for him, to the point that he landed the role of benjamin barker/sweeney todd without anyone ever having heard him sing. noone heard him until they started filming - he just said he could do it, and everyone knew that if he said he could swing it, then he could. love it!! i would like to say i have a bigtime crush on him, but he's a little too intense to crush on. he is, however, totally hot.

after the art gallery crawl thing, jason and i played a benefit show for the leukemia and lymphoma society of nashville. it was fun. we bid on some things at the silent auction and won! glad to know that the dollars are going to a great cause. do we not live in such a giving time? it seems like there are so many ways to be philanthropic these days. not that it's ever enough, but i feel like our generation is so loving and generous as a whole. everyone i know has been moved by some kind of cause. it's encouraging. maybe we really CAN make the world a better place. huh.

the moon is waning, as are my eyelids. may the force be with you.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Loving Some Things

In no particular order:

1) My new job (
2) Ingrid Michaelson
3) Being 26 (growing on me)
4) My husband
5) Henry and Neighbor
6) My parent's new house
7) Chatting with my brother about his law school courses
8) still.
9) The Office. Again.
10) Forever 21. Again.
11) Jason's bosses
12) Realtracs
13) HGTV
14) "Spaces" on my office computer - (iMac)
15) Doodling on guitar
16) Friends (my actual ones, not the show)
17) Friends (the show)
19) sweet tea (the drink, not the band)
20) facebook

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Not sleepy

It's midnight. On a Sunday. I should have been asleep a while ago. BUT, I slept from 4:30 to 7:30 today, so I guess I'm just wired.

I was so tired because I just got back from an AMAZING weekend in Birmingham!! Jason and I played this show in a loft in the Phoenix Building on 2nd Ave N, and it was soooooooo much fun. Coffee was served by the lovely folks at Urban Standard, the wine flowed, and the cupcakes...oh, the cupcakes. Have you ever had REAL red velvet? It has something to do with the cocoa, and whatever it is, it tastes so good. I wish I could eat red velvet steaks followed by red velvet cakes served on red velvet plates as it snowed red velvet flakes seen through red velvet drapes. Just, you know, if I had my druthers.

There are some fun pics posted at A Bryan Photography's blog, which can be found here: These guys are AMAZING artists, and such nice nice people. Not to mention the fact that Caleb was homeschooled and then went to a Classical school, and is now not weird to talk to, so you've gotta give him extra props for that.

Jason and I then went to see my dad, who had open heart surgery last week!!! It was wild - he had not had a heart attack, but could have had one at any moment since he had blockages in the 3 main arteries to his heart. The docs just happened to catch it in the nick of time - and now his heart is in better shape than it ever was. It's so weird...I heard the words open heart surgery and froze, but then after researching found that there is like a 96-97% success rate. Not having any medical skillz, that just seems so weird to me - that hundreds of thousands of people each year lay on a hospital bed with their sternum sawed open and veins from their legs or wherever replace the ones that send blood to the heart, and they live really healthy lives after that. AMAZING! Anywhoo, he is doing well - just sore.

Things at work are progressing nicely - if anyone has any blank media needs - you know who you should call??? TapeOnline! Need some new tapes for that MiniDV cam? Visit our website!! Are you having trouble tracking down that analog audio tape you've been jonesing? TapeOnline can help!

Speaking of work, I should get myself to bed.

I hope that everything is just coming up roses for ya -


Sunday, January 13, 2008

Merry Maids

Do you think they are truly merry? Jason and I have spent the whole day trying to clean the house. It's not fun. At all. Markedly less fun since I felt like the whole place was spotless last weekend.

I always thought that I would be an awesome housewife since I enjoy domestic things, but I love them less now since I have no choice. I would much rather pay someone to merrily whistle while they wipe the baseboards. So the whole awesome housewife thing is out the window - and I am totally ok with that.

I started my new job on Monday - it is awesome!! Everyone is SO nice, and they communicate with each other, and everyone enjoys really good food. It's going to be awesome, I can feel it. I also learned how to ship packages. That was fun, as I have not had much hands on time in a warehouse before. I was dirty, and most likely burned some calories.

Musically speaking, this year I am going to play writers nights. It has been a long time since I have just played the ole acoutic on an eve with some other peeps doing the same. It has also been a long time since I have completed a song that I feel is worthly of being titled. Related? We shall see. We shall see. Jason and I had a good time with our friends, the Manns (or Men, as we call them), last night. Mandy is an awesome singer/songwriter, and it seems that whenever I am feeling down about the whole music thing, she is there to remind me that I have no cause. She was like, "you know, I just realized at some point, that being a musician is part of who I am. I may not be doing it as a career, but I will always do it. I will always pick up my guitar and just start playing because I like it, and singing because I like it. It is part of who I am." I loved that.

That being said, I am off to try to make this whole housemaid thing a little merrier. Be well!!


Saturday, December 15, 2007

Long time, no blog.

happy holidays!

i love christmas. jason and i were at old time pottery today buying a million picture frames and they had soooo many christmas decorations and they smell so good. i bought some cinnamon pinecones and it's getting me in the spirit.

also getting me in the spirit was the andrew peterson christmas concert at the ryman thursday night. that show was really fun, and so many friends were there! i loved that evening - alison osenga took me as her date, and i felt like a rock star. people kept staring at her, and i realized at that moment that i have famous friends. which is even more fun, because i never think about it until we are in public places and they are being visually stalked. ohhhh nashville.

SO. i am really excited because beginning january 7, 2008, i will be employed by a company called this will be my 2nd real job. I can't believe it. i have worked for the same company, goldleaf technologies, for the past 3 years...and that is soon coming to an end. it's sad! but it was time for me to move on. i'm feeling good things on the horizon.

right now, jason is watching transformers, and this movie is TERRIBLE. it's so so bad. I think i realized it when i heard a transformer asking shia leboeuf "are you screenname LadiesMan25513? are you screenname LadiesMan25513?!" and i guess i can see the similarities between transformers and terrorism, but i am getting a little weary of every movie being a political statement about our current situation overseas. it's transformers, ya know? however, they ARE more than meets the eye, so maybe i just don't get it.

for christmas this year, we are going to jason's family's house in tx. i am excited - i love christmas, but it will be my first christmas away from home...and i'm kind of scared. jason's mom doesn't really drink coffee, which is totally fine, but i am a mess without it in the morning. and i feel so high maintenance bringing my own bag of coffee to prepare, so she has to pull the coffeemaker out of hiding just for lil ole me...but i don't know how to explain that it's definitely better to pull it out than to deal with the mess that i become. i think she's ok with it, i just feel bad. always.

we are getting ready to go to a christmas party. did i mention that i really love christmas? i want to wear this sequin cocktail dress that i have, but i would look really silly since everyone else is probably going to wear jeans. i just don't know when i am ever going to get to wear that sequin cocktail dress. ohh...i should call my famous friends...they might have an event to attend that requires a guest adorned in a little shine.

i shall be seeing you -


Wednesday, August 15, 2007