Wednesday, April 25, 2007

My A/C is broken.

and i am poor. gotta CALLL somebody.

greetings. i hope you are well tonight. i hope the fact that it was supposed to rain, but didn't, is good. i was glad. except for the way my skin gets all greasy. you'd think grease would make me look like i was kind of glowing, but it really just looks like i need a shower.

I am so lame. I was going to go to a totally awesome midnight show tonight, but now that it's 10:30, my body is like, "hey remember...this is the time you go to bed. every night. because your life is so predictable that you go to bed at the same time every night. remember when your nickname was grandma deloach in college? it was because your bedtime is now. and the butt pockets on your jeans were halfway up your back."

but anyways. I COULD wash the grease off my face and go to Starbucks and kick it all night. Should i? Yes. So I can see the Dave Rawlings machine in all his cuteness.

But how much do you wanna bet that I go to bed instead? I bet myself ONE...dollar.

As of this moment, I am announcing a blogspot redesign. THAT'S RIGHT. The pink cityscene just isn't going to cut it anymore. I think when i picked that I was low on estrogen, and needed a little affirmation that YES, i am female...even though i have occasional whiskers that i have to pluck out of my chin, and sometimes the side of my face. ewww. sorry - gross, yet no less true. I wish instead of feeling like a man, I would feel like a cat. they have whiskers, yet still maintain an alluring mystery. But then I would make myself sneeze and the sense of self-loathing would probably be more than I could handle. Sorry if you are a cat person, but those things are useless.

Well, this blog had no point. I just kind of felt like typing about stuff. Also, my air conditioner seems to be blowing cooler air now.

I will leave you with this:

If you were a bridesmaid on a budget of $100 or less, and you needed a loverly dress in burnt orange, where would YOU shop?

Thank you, and goodnight.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

I've got a room at the top of the world tonight.


I tried several clever intros, but none worked out ;)

Yes - I am so excited! Last Sunday, April 1, my boo, Jason Feller, took me to a pile of dirt and asked me to be his lady for all times, an offer I gladly accepted.

Here's the story:

We had been in Austin, TX for a few days - playing a show on the campus of UT (a story in itself), and visiting with his friends and fam. We had a great time - his friends are so fun and hilarious. It had rained a lot, but our last day, Saturday, the weather was awesome - we had a little barbecue, etc. ANYWAYS, we left Austin at 7:20 on Sunday morning, feeling really good, because it's only supposed to be a 12-13 hour drive. But that was before Jason got pulled over for speeding....before we even got to Dallas. Oopsie. Jason really does not like police officers. Wait...Jason really does not like to be caught by police officers. He shared a few choice words with the uniformed gentleman (SCARY!) and we were on our way. We then pulled into Dallas and got stuck in traffic for an hour and a half. It actually went by pretty fast, because Jason brought some crossword puzzles, but at this point, we had 10 hours to go, and it was 12:30. We stopped at Taco Cabana, arguably the best fast-food restaurant ever, grabbed some tacos and queso, and moved on.

Previously in the week, Jason had asked if I wanted to stop by a state park on the drive back. We always try to break up the neverending trip with little stops off the interstate, and this was one we had not done before. Fun! When we got into Arkansas around 3:30, he found the exit that he had scouted out, and headed out on our little adventure. 15 minutes later, we were still on our way. 15 more minutes...still on our way. This park, called "Crater of Diamonds", was 45 minutes off the interstate. Not exactly the kind of place we usually look for to "break up the trip". Anyway, if there is anything to be said for Arkansas, it is that it is BEAUTIFUL. Every part of "The Natural State" that I have seen, I would have to describe as "backwoods", but we were truly on dirt roads trying to get to this park. Two lovely ladies on a robust four-wheeler gave us directions at one point.

One of the features of "Crater of Diamonds" state park is that it is one of the only natural diamond mines in the US. There is volcanic activity under the ground, and as it does it's thing, it pushes all these minerals up to the surface of the earth, which for choice people, includes diamonds! We didn't really realize what we were getting into at this place (Take note: if you ever travel to Crater of Diamonds, gauchos and crocs are not going to fare well in terms of appropriate attire. You will get dirty.) Mini shovel in hand, we just dug right in. The prospect of finding something of value in this field was really exciting for about 5 minutes. After that, you survey your fellow miners and realize that in order to find something, you should probably move to Arkansas, lose a few teeth, (along with the ability to complete sentences), acquire some heavy duty sifting machinery, and scour this mud field on a daily basis. We continued "digging" for another 20 minutes or so, but mostly, Jason just cracked jokes and I poked the dirt. We were ready to go at this point, but Jason had this really strong feeling about a particular part of this field, back behind a shaded tree, in a large dirt hole. We went there, with the understanding that if we found nothing here, we were heading back to TN. We jumped in the hole, and started digging (poking) a little more, and lo and behold, Jason called to me that he had found one! It was April Fool's Day, so I assumed he was making it up. Now, I don't know how often this happens, or what the probability is, but would you believe that he found a DIAMOND RING...ALREADY IN THE that hole of dirt?!?!? He then said some very beautiful things that made me cry a little bit, and asked me to marry him! I gave him a big fat YES. And told him if this was his idea of an April Fool's joke, he was in serious trouble.

We then got lost for 2 hours in Arkansas, no cell phone service. No nothing really...which ended up being good. I was so shocked by the recent happenings (did NOT see it coming), that we had some time to talk it out, let it sink in. I was glad to be surprised, though - 100% recommended. I mean, we knew we wanted to marry each other (I DO recommend discussing that part first...). But knowing we did, when the moment actually came, it was so natural. Not frantic or rushed. I felt this sense of relief that I can't really explain. Not like the sigh of relief you feel once you get all your emails answered, but a settling down deep inside, in a place I hadn't even acknowledged was restless.

We finally made it back to Nashville around 2:30 AM, but it was definitely the fastest 8 hours I have ever spent. This week has just been a rush of fun, exhaustion, and activity, and I can't wait to see what else is in store.