Wednesday, April 25, 2007

My A/C is broken.

and i am poor. gotta CALLL somebody.

greetings. i hope you are well tonight. i hope the fact that it was supposed to rain, but didn't, is good. i was glad. except for the way my skin gets all greasy. you'd think grease would make me look like i was kind of glowing, but it really just looks like i need a shower.

I am so lame. I was going to go to a totally awesome midnight show tonight, but now that it's 10:30, my body is like, "hey remember...this is the time you go to bed. every night. because your life is so predictable that you go to bed at the same time every night. remember when your nickname was grandma deloach in college? it was because your bedtime is now. and the butt pockets on your jeans were halfway up your back."

but anyways. I COULD wash the grease off my face and go to Starbucks and kick it all night. Should i? Yes. So I can see the Dave Rawlings machine in all his cuteness.

But how much do you wanna bet that I go to bed instead? I bet myself ONE...dollar.

As of this moment, I am announcing a blogspot redesign. THAT'S RIGHT. The pink cityscene just isn't going to cut it anymore. I think when i picked that I was low on estrogen, and needed a little affirmation that YES, i am female...even though i have occasional whiskers that i have to pluck out of my chin, and sometimes the side of my face. ewww. sorry - gross, yet no less true. I wish instead of feeling like a man, I would feel like a cat. they have whiskers, yet still maintain an alluring mystery. But then I would make myself sneeze and the sense of self-loathing would probably be more than I could handle. Sorry if you are a cat person, but those things are useless.

Well, this blog had no point. I just kind of felt like typing about stuff. Also, my air conditioner seems to be blowing cooler air now.

I will leave you with this:

If you were a bridesmaid on a budget of $100 or less, and you needed a loverly dress in burnt orange, where would YOU shop?

Thank you, and goodnight.

1 comment:

The Amy said...

Hey...wanna feel REALLY feminine? Come over to my house and see the picture of my 3 great great aunts. I have it hanging over the toilet in our bathroom to remind myself that I am a girl. You've got to see these ladies...they totally look like biker dudes in drag...hilarious.