Sunday, January 20, 2008

Not sleepy

It's midnight. On a Sunday. I should have been asleep a while ago. BUT, I slept from 4:30 to 7:30 today, so I guess I'm just wired.

I was so tired because I just got back from an AMAZING weekend in Birmingham!! Jason and I played this show in a loft in the Phoenix Building on 2nd Ave N, and it was soooooooo much fun. Coffee was served by the lovely folks at Urban Standard, the wine flowed, and the cupcakes...oh, the cupcakes. Have you ever had REAL red velvet? It has something to do with the cocoa, and whatever it is, it tastes so good. I wish I could eat red velvet steaks followed by red velvet cakes served on red velvet plates as it snowed red velvet flakes seen through red velvet drapes. Just, you know, if I had my druthers.

There are some fun pics posted at A Bryan Photography's blog, which can be found here: These guys are AMAZING artists, and such nice nice people. Not to mention the fact that Caleb was homeschooled and then went to a Classical school, and is now not weird to talk to, so you've gotta give him extra props for that.

Jason and I then went to see my dad, who had open heart surgery last week!!! It was wild - he had not had a heart attack, but could have had one at any moment since he had blockages in the 3 main arteries to his heart. The docs just happened to catch it in the nick of time - and now his heart is in better shape than it ever was. It's so weird...I heard the words open heart surgery and froze, but then after researching found that there is like a 96-97% success rate. Not having any medical skillz, that just seems so weird to me - that hundreds of thousands of people each year lay on a hospital bed with their sternum sawed open and veins from their legs or wherever replace the ones that send blood to the heart, and they live really healthy lives after that. AMAZING! Anywhoo, he is doing well - just sore.

Things at work are progressing nicely - if anyone has any blank media needs - you know who you should call??? TapeOnline! Need some new tapes for that MiniDV cam? Visit our website!! Are you having trouble tracking down that analog audio tape you've been jonesing? TapeOnline can help!

Speaking of work, I should get myself to bed.

I hope that everything is just coming up roses for ya -


Sunday, January 13, 2008

Merry Maids

Do you think they are truly merry? Jason and I have spent the whole day trying to clean the house. It's not fun. At all. Markedly less fun since I felt like the whole place was spotless last weekend.

I always thought that I would be an awesome housewife since I enjoy domestic things, but I love them less now since I have no choice. I would much rather pay someone to merrily whistle while they wipe the baseboards. So the whole awesome housewife thing is out the window - and I am totally ok with that.

I started my new job on Monday - it is awesome!! Everyone is SO nice, and they communicate with each other, and everyone enjoys really good food. It's going to be awesome, I can feel it. I also learned how to ship packages. That was fun, as I have not had much hands on time in a warehouse before. I was dirty, and most likely burned some calories.

Musically speaking, this year I am going to play writers nights. It has been a long time since I have just played the ole acoutic on an eve with some other peeps doing the same. It has also been a long time since I have completed a song that I feel is worthly of being titled. Related? We shall see. We shall see. Jason and I had a good time with our friends, the Manns (or Men, as we call them), last night. Mandy is an awesome singer/songwriter, and it seems that whenever I am feeling down about the whole music thing, she is there to remind me that I have no cause. She was like, "you know, I just realized at some point, that being a musician is part of who I am. I may not be doing it as a career, but I will always do it. I will always pick up my guitar and just start playing because I like it, and singing because I like it. It is part of who I am." I loved that.

That being said, I am off to try to make this whole housemaid thing a little merrier. Be well!!
