Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Well, It's been a long time since I've done a real blog. Like a "here's what's going on" kind of thing.

For those of you who may not know, I work full time in the accounting department of a company called Goldleaf Technologies. www.goldleaf.com. Goldleaf designs ACH Software and Websites for banks, as well as Remote Deposit. That's really the coolest thing (in my humble opinion). Basically, in October 2004, Check 21 Legislation passed that allowed the image of a check to serve the same function as a check, which means that if you have an electronic copy of a check, you can make a deposit from anywhere! Well, anywhere that has a scanner, and some sort of Remote Deposit product. Goldleaf's is basically the best, so boo-yah. It is such a small world - my stepdad in Birmingham banks with Red Mountain Bank, who uses Goldleaf's Remote Deposit software, so he has a little scanner in his office that came from someone at my company - and it was totally random. Isn't that something?

Anyways, as you can see, I spend way too much time with my thoughts in the world of community banking. If you had asked me at any point throughout my life if I thought I would be here, I would have given you a rousing "heck no!", although I did always imagine that I would probably marry an accountant. Huh. The plans that foil.

I just got back from Jordan's movie night. We watched "Strictly Ballroom". Not as amusing as I was hoping, although I had a great time. I love my friends. And meeting new people, which I got to do both of tonight. The other day, I was thinking of how fun it would be to work for eharmony.com - like matching up the profiles and stuff? That would be awesome - bringing people together has always been a dream of mine, though my matchmaking skills are awful. Truly terrible. I have yet to even imagine a successful match. But if they tell me what to look for at eharmony, I think I could do the job. No, I KNOW I could do the job.

Oh, a biological update - I have had no further uncontrollable bladder accidents. I don't know what the deal was, but it seems to have passed. Just in case you were wondering ;)

Wanna see my dogs? Meet Henry and Neighbor.

They are so stinking cute, really. It has been one of the joys of settling down to have these pups. Not all of the settling has been joyful, but they are definitely a highlight. And they're both smart and sweet. Henry's a little less sweet, but still overall sweet.

I am currently working on a saving-money plan. In my life, it has turned out that the more I make, the more I spend, so I don't seem to be saving the money that I should be able to save. I am on a 6-month debt removal plan. Into my 2nd month, I paid off my first debt. I did the smallest one first. But really, I just have one more relatively small one, and then my car. Does anyone want to buy an awesome car for an awesome deal? Just let me know - 2002 Mercury Mountaineer - it's awesome, but the gas mileage is not. Anyways, I really want to save. I have learned that I don't really love money like I thought I did. I really did (and still do) think that if I could just earn another $5k a year, I would be so set, but as soon as I get it, I just take out a loan for something else that I don't need. Although this plan does work, and can get you certain cool objects, I have discovered that I'm not as interested in those objects as I thought I would be. Who knew? I would rather be making nothing and hanging out with people - (just sometimes, I actually DO enjoy working) - than sitting behind a desk working on ASAP projects for people that make more than I can ever imagine. For something that I don't care about, and don't see how I personally am impacting the world in any great way through. But I guess we all do some of that. Part of the curse, eh? I'm still going to pay off my loans and see what happens :)

Well, it is entirely past my bedtime. Thanks for the ears and eyes.

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