Sunday, October 22, 2006

I peed in my pants yesterday. Twice.

Incident #1: I can tell this because it was so surreal, and fortunately none of my clothes were ruined. The story goes: I was getting out my car, felt the urge, and then peed in my pants. This was all over a span of 6 seconds. All I know is, the muscles that typically contract in that situation to help you hold on until you get to the place that you need to be..were not working. So that was once. It was very strange, and I was walking down my sidewalk into my house, so it was allright - I could take care of things inside.

Incident #2: Jason and I played an acoustic show last night, right across the street from a park, and right above a gourmet popsicle place. Since the weather was so beautiful, we got a popsicle, and went for a walk in the park before sound check. We were trying to throw crab apples and bust them open against a stone wall, then started the very short trek back, when I thought, "ohh...i need to pee. wait. i'm peeing in my pants again." Jason didn't believe me, so I had to point him to the evidence on my leg. It was unbelievable - and kind of scary. Once, I could classify as a freakish, "who saw THAT coming?" kind of deal. But twice?

We went to Clay and Sarah's later, and Sarah pulled out her nursing encyclopedia and gave me some exercises to do. This morning, so far - so good. Thanks Sarah.

Well, my dog is barking his head off. I'd better go get him before the neighbors do.

Peace -


here comes moses said...

good heavens. exercises? what exactly are you exercising? wait. do i want to know?

The Amy said...

This blog made me laugh. I peed my bed once when I was like 20...can't explain it.
Since I'm pregnant all the time, I've gotten used to wearing panty liners everyday. Lord knows everytime I sneeze or fart, a little pee comes out. Happens often.

GoodFella said...

I just about peed my pants just reading're too funny!!